Written by Guest Writer – Kirsty Hawkins
My name is Kirsty, I’m a junior 1/2 teacher and I am absolutely addicted to my visualiser.
This addiction began over 3 years ago when I noticed my students struggling to see the work being modelled. The solution presented to me by my amazing DT leader was a visualiser- since then I’ve been hooked!

I use it for every single lesson in many different ways, these include the following: creating my learning intentions and success criteria, which I write up on a mini whiteboard modelling all my activities shared reads with the class presenting student’s work, and many more!

Other great features of the Ipevo that I use are the magnifying tool (this was great when we looked at minibeasts!), capturing images (which is great when returning to a sample of work) and also the mirroring tool. Another added bonus is it is VERY easy to use, simply plug it in the USB point, install the app and it’s ready to go! I have used the visualiser in both the senior and junior setting and found it highly valuable in either environment.
Visualisers (or Document Cameras) range in price from under $200 to well over $500. Kirsty uses the Ipevo model that is at the bottom end of the market but is highly recommended.